I've been very remiss about posting the last few weeks while catching up on office work during all this rain. I did get out briefly with my camera last week and got these shots.
Some lovely arrowwood in bloom. This plant is fairly pervasive on Cape Cod.
Jack-in-the-Pulpits are not uncommon but they are often overlooked because they are so well hidden beneath the big umbrella like leaves that shade them. They may be mostly gone by now. Unfortunately their big bloom time was during all the rain.
Bullfrogs don's mind a bit of rain. They don't mind a lot of rain either, especially if there are frequent enough breaks for flying insects to be up and around. Bullfrogs aren't picky eaters, though and will eat just about anything that moves if they can fit it into their mouths, even other frogs.
The omni present and ivasive multiflora rose has just about finished blooming along all our roadsides.
The blue eyed grass is one of my favorite little plants. It only blooms for a day and is so subtle and sweet.
Let's hope all this soggy weather ends soon! Summer has begun.
Please check my website here for my summer schedule of outdoor art classes and nature tours for families.