This wonderful bush is a true Cape Cod treasure with white fluffy flowers in spring and luscious fruits in late summer beloved by many old time Cape Cod cooks. Do you know what it is?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Soon to be in bloom all over Cape Cod
This wonderful bush is a true Cape Cod treasure with white fluffy flowers in spring and luscious fruits in late summer beloved by many old time Cape Cod cooks. Do you know what it is?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Look What's Up!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Knock, knock, who's there?
I was working in a garden today when I came across this new home someone was working on. There was lots of saw dust, both on the tree and on the ground.
Who do you think was building this home? I'll give the answer at the end of the week. If you missed an earlier post there are other animal homes here to identify, too. I will give those answers at the end of the week as well.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Spring is Springing all over!
Just came back from a fabulous walk in one of Barnstable's many lovely conservation areas. This one was the Otis Atwood area in Marstons Mills and on a lovely sunny spring afternoon the mayflower was in bloom all over, the chickadees were phoebe-phoebe-ing like crazy and we got a great look at a Cooper's hawk that tried to stare us down but gave up and flew off. My favorite part of the walk was seeing my very first spring azures, the tiny little blue butterflies that seem to arrive just in time for the blooming of the mayflowers!
otis atwood,
spring azures,
spring woodland walk
Friday, April 24, 2009
Mucking About in Swamps
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Kids and Nature
Kids and nature are a natural mix and just a simple walk can be full of all sorts of wonders.
What did you see today?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day!
I'm old enough to remember celebrating the first Earth Day and am very glad it has had such a huge focus this year. I spent my day working with kids at a nature center all day so it was a pretty earthy day for me. How about you?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Animal Homes
When I go out with children on walks here on Cape Cod I often ask them to help me look for animal homes. Once they catch on to all the different kinds of animal homes that are in sight in just a small area they love to keep watch and point out possible homes for the rest of the walk.
animal homes,
cape cod spring,
cape cod woodlands
Monday, April 20, 2009
Mayflowers are in bloom!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Cape Cod Turtles on the Move
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Cape Cod Art and Nature Website Up and Running!
There's still a lot of fine tuning to do but I'm pretty excited that it's actually up and running! Please do stop by.
You can find it here.
You can find it here.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Watching Whales from Provincetown Beaches
The view above is from Race Point where I didn't see any whales. There were many people playing ball on the beach and vehicles parked along the waterfront so I drove over to Herring Cove.
It's hard to see in this picture because my camera's zoom isn't working but that dark spot is a whale watching boat. Around the boat you could see all the spouts of the whales it was watching and sometimes there were three or four spouts going at the same time. As I scanned the horizon with my binoculars there were more whales and at one point one of them breached. It was pretty amazing and people were lined up along the beach hooting and hollering to each other to check it out.
The weather may not be as nice tomorrow but if you're on the Cape and you have a chance over the next few days to get to Provincetown you might check out the whale show!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Spring is springing!
Here on Cape Cod spring takes her sweet old time showing up and this year she really seems to be dragging her heels. It's been cold and raw for weeks now and even when the sun is shining the wind will still rip your face off, especially if you're walking on the beach!
We all have our favorite signs of spring and for many I think the sound of the spring peepers is right up there with the pussy willows and daffodils. Last week the first tentative peeps could be heard and by the time the big rains hit last Friday and this Monday a veritable frog symphony was going on around any damp or wetland area.
Vernal pools are wonderful and unique ecosystems. Here in Massachusetts a vernal pool must have at least 3 indicator species, I think. They include the yellow spotted salamander, the wood frog and the fairy shrimp. Vernal pools are spring pools; full of water in the spring but often dried up by late summer. You can find lots of great info about vernal pools here.
The vernal pool in the picture is in Sandwich and was full of wood frogs making their funny duck like quacking noises on a dark afternoon between rain showers this week.
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