Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring is springing!

Here on Cape Cod spring takes her sweet old time showing up and this year she really seems to be dragging her heels. It's been cold and raw for weeks now and even when the sun is shining the wind will still rip your face off, especially if you're walking on the beach!

We all have our favorite signs of spring and for many I think the sound of the spring peepers is right up there with the pussy willows and daffodils. Last week the first tentative peeps could be heard and by the time the big rains hit last Friday and this Monday a veritable frog symphony was going on around any damp or wetland area.

Vernal pools are wonderful and unique ecosystems. Here in Massachusetts a vernal pool must have at least 3 indicator species, I think. They include the yellow spotted salamander, the wood frog and the fairy shrimp. Vernal pools are spring pools; full of water in the spring but often dried up by late summer. You can find lots of great info about vernal pools here.

The vernal pool in the picture is in Sandwich and was full of wood frogs making their funny duck like quacking noises on a dark afternoon between rain showers this week.

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